How Transifex Native works

Install the SDK directly in your code. Push your internationalized content and metadata to Transifex with one command. See your application localized Over The Air (OTA) as soon as the translations are available in Transifex. Seamless and fileless process. No need to repack or deploy your code to include new translations.


Key Benefits



Agile Development & Seamless Localization

Highly reliable, feature-rich and user-friendly, Transifex Native frees up engineers’ time from unnecessary deployments just for localization purposes.



Accelerate Releases 

Ιnternationalize your digital content regardless of the programming language. No need to worry about files, integrations, and pull request reviews. 



Centrally Manage Your Contents

Collaboration happens in the cloud, not via files on a laptop. Store all of your content — text strings, code repositories, frameworks, and branches — in one place.



Α new world of possibilities

By embedding localization in your code, there is nothing you cannot do. Powerful analytics, in-context translation and more can create the future of localization.


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